
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Not As Planned Weekend

Well the weekend did NOT go as planned. The Michigan plans got canceled due to the weather. It was a total BUMMER!

But the good news is this also happens to be the weekend my baby brother(and his little family) came home from the Army for good. He's been stationed in Washington as Staff Sergeant for 2 years and he was in Iraq for a year prior to that. It really was unreal to have him just be home, especially since I haven't seen him for a whole year. My niece Arianny was born in April and I only got to see her and my SIL once since she's been born. So now I finally get to see her on a daily basis. She is absolutely precious and one lucky little gal to have such a crazy wonderful family.

Here are only a few not so great pictures, my hands were busy with either my niece or a beer. I know good combo. Wait till you see what this girl was drinking, then you may put me in the white trash hall of fame.
From 2011-09-19
From 2011-09-19
From 2011-09-19

This weekend was also spent sporting my Steven Madden twins. Keep the drooling to a minimal, I have't water proofed this babies yet.
From 2011-09-19
From 2011-09-19

There also was some Paleo eats this weekend, but not a lot of cooking. Breakfast foods are my go to dishes when I'm running around. I also, managed to put together a slow cooker quiche with sweet potato, bacon, and red pepper. It was quite the time saver. Also, one night we didn't feel like cooking, so we ordered Chinese food from our favorite Chinese place. I ordered Roast Duck and asked them to hold the sauce and cook it in coconut oil. It was fantastic. I love me some duck..or fat.
From 2011-09-19
From 2011-09-19
From 2011-09-19
From 2011-09-19

I'll end this weekend recap with this cute pic of Charlie and he's "spot"
From 2011-09-19

Weekend Success!!

1 comment:

  1. If I had (1) genie wish, it would be to have Kite be photogenic.
