
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Money is No Object

Today I was on the hunt for some fall boots and flats. I was inspired by Pinterest. I know shocking, right?! I had earned a little extra mula this year and why not spend it all on me. Which believe it or not, it is way harder than I thought. I had already bought two awesome new gadgets(more about them when they arrive). And now I'm looking to freshen up my fall wardrobe. Guess what?! I think I fell in love, not just once, but three times. What can I say I'm a shoe slut!
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They're all by Steven Madden. And yes, I realize there are two of the same pair of boots. I can be very indecisive in these kinds of situations. When all else fails. Get them BOTH! Stay tuned, I will have a fashion show. IF I decide to get them ALL (just in case my kite doesn't reads this, I may have gotten them all).

After my fun filled day of online drooling shopping. I came home to prep some dinner. I started with cutting open the little watermelon I got at the Farmer's market. You're not going to believe was YELLOW!! And yes, it totally shocked me too. I had to google it to make sure it was real.
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It actually turned out to be super sweet! What a great surprise to end summer
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After the shock of the yellow watermelon wore off, I chopped up some cauliflower to roast in the oven. My kite came home just in time to throw the steak I marinaded over night on the grill. Guess which one was his piece?!
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Here's a pic of my dinner plate.
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Now if you need me, I'll be on Pinterest

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Can I be Anymore Boring?!

Monday and Today couldn't have been anymore uneventful. Just good ol' routine. I've been super super moody lately. I owe this to the over indulging of chocolate last week. I've also developed a small addiction to Chai Tea Latte's, actually this addiction happens every fall, along with another addiction to Pumpkin Spice Latte's. They used to be a treat and well not so much lately. Someone slap me on the wrist!

Monday I heated up the roast chicken I prepared on Sunday for dinner and made heated some cabbage with bacon as a side. There was bacon lard and bacon and more bacon lard. Oh and a small head of cabbage. Here's a pic of my dinner plate.
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Today I woke up bright and early to head to the gym. Summer is almost over and it's dark out when I leave, which makes it that much harder to jam out when I drive to the gym. I don't normally look at the wod before I get there, I like the thrill of a surprise. When I walked in there were lunges and crabs's and bear's oh my... Today's was called Manimals.

Three rounds for time
60 ft x lunges
60 ft x bear crawls
60 ft x crab walk
60 ft x beck’s burpees
400m run

I did okay, I felt stronger in the second round. If I didn't have to adjust my shirt after a few burpees I'd probably have a better time. Stupid wardrobe malfunction. Also, I may or may not be causing trouble in the gym--guess which one is me? The slow one...ha!
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Today is Taco Tuesday. I made that up this morning. I sing a little song to get my kite excited for dinner. This song might have included taco flavored kisses.
Here's a little sloppy pic of my paleo tacos. Mmmm...
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The night ended with this blog and some 72% dark chocolate.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Not So Lazy Sunday

I woke up on Sunday with little to no motivation to do more than turn the channel on the remote. And even than I was hoping I'd land on a channel that would take me through the day. I eventually dragged myself to the kitchen to make a iced latte and some breakfast. My latte wasn't pictured, because I was too busy drinking it.
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I ate my breakfast while drooling glancing at Which by the way I finally got an account after graveling to get an invite. Come follow me, but be warned I have had an account for less than a day.
After what seemed like 5 minutes but was actually and hour on pinterest, my kite decided he was going to clean. Which meant I had to help, I couldn't let him clean by himself. That would NOT be fair even though I kicked and screamed. The good news is I finally broke out my new toy. I bought a steam cleaner a month ago and never used it. I might have a new best friend. I even smiled while using it like the lady on the box.
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After the better half of the day disappeared. I still had food to prepare for the week and a little birthday party to go to.

I cut up some cantaloupe that I got from OP's Farmer's market the day before to have as part of a snack. Pretty juicy!
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I also seasoned a couple turkey legs, and a whole chicken with my favorite Penzey's spices to roast. Both were smothered with melted coconut oil and avocado oil. I let them marinate a little while I seasoned some fatty lamp chops to put in the crockpot.
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After everything was in the oven and the crockpot was roaring on low. I ran off to wash the stink off of me and get ready for the little party. I had to flip the chicken and turkey legs in the middle of blow drying my hair. But that's it. Talk about low maintenance cooking. Now to persuade the nation that cooking can be easier than opening a box and microwaving.....

After turning the oven off before I left (and leaving everything in there to finish cooking). I still had to pick up a little cake and some flowers for my best friend's mom. She turned the big 65! Here's a few pics.
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And here's my niece singing ya ya Happy Birthday in her pj's. So cute!
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I didn't stay too long. But it was great quality time.

After I got home. I took everything out of the oven to tupperware it up for the week. Fun Fact--I love roasting a chicken, because it's perfect for my kite and I. I knew it was love when we could share a chicken. He loves breast meat and I'm a dark meat kinda girl. This is going to be dinner/lunches for a couple of days. This prep work saves tons of time. Here's the after shots.
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Bring it on new WEEK!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Hanging in my hood

Saturdays are one my favorite days of the week (next to Sundays).
I slept in as usual and the only reason I even got out of bed this morning was my kite came in 6 times trying to get me up. That jerk! Okay, Okay he's not that much of a jerk!
But I was eager to get out eventually, because the only thing I had planned today was to check out OP's Farmer's market and pick up oil at Olive and Well a little mom and pop oil place in town. I ran of EV Avocado oil last week. One of my go to oils to cook with since it has the highest smoking point over EVOO, plus it adds great flavor to my dishes. Any way to get those good fats in.

I made my way to the kitchen to make an ice latte to take with me to the market. This is the my dream machine of all machines other than my crockpot. I'm beyond addicted to my espresso machine after day one and not blowing up the kitchen. Today though I finally made foam with heavy cream, SCORE! Normally my counter is just a big mess of speckled cream and there's a couple of drops left for my coffee. I didn't say I was a barista!

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We headed to the OP Farmer's market which is just a stone's throw away from where we live. I had a taste for some peaches so I was on the lookout for some. I wanted some melon too, so we picked out some peaches, a little watermelon,and a cantaloupe. My kite also, picked up a little loaf of bread and some bacon cheddar spread. I don't normally pick up a ton of fruit. Being Paleo, fruit is more of a treat, but after 5 weeks of strawberries everywhere, it sounded like a nice change of pace. Here's a pic of our picks.

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We then headed over to Olive and Well to pick up some oil. This place has small barrel tins throughout the store with spickets to taste the oil. I picked up a bottle of EV Avocado oil then I looked around the store looking for a second oil for salads. I found a kalamata oil that was delicious and I imagined pouring it over salads and adding kalamata olives. Sold! The oils are a little pricey. $17.95 for a 375mil bottle. But it is so so worth it. Before leaving the store I offered the owner/cashier a peach. She mentioned since working on Saturdays she doesn't get to the farmer's market. She picked out a peach and looked delighted. I love sharing (actually I hate sharing..more on that later). Here's a pic of the cute bottled oils.
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Across the street from the store is Scollville park. My kite noticed some tents set up so we decided to check it out. It turns out it was a small event called OP's Taste of Culture. There were little vendor selling handmade items, like soap, pictures, and my favorite jewelry. I walked by a little stand that had home made wire rings for only $1. I picked up this bad boy!
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We only had one more stop before heading home. Borders. My kite wanted to pick up some *eyes rolling from boredom* computer books. Borders is going out of business and is having 50%-70% off. I spotted this freakin' story of my life book while he was looking through what he wanted. The book was written just for me.
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We headed home after that to eat lunch and lung our heavy basket of goods. We were both pretty hungry. After cooling off a bit, I warmed up some leftover chicken kabobs and rice for my kite. He is not Paleo.....yet. I went back into the kitchen to whip up some paleo brunch. I decided to make eggs in a basket.

I fried some leftover chicken legs that I made a few days ago in the crock pot in some bacon lard. Added some frozen spinach and cooked until the chicken had some crisp.
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After transfering it to a plate and adding some TJ salsa. I cut up a little bit of red pepper too.
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I then added more bacon lard and fried up a couple of eggs to place ontop.
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Here's my plate after adding some avacado and some paleo djion mustard
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All in all a great day so far.
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Friday, August 26, 2011

Holy Smokes - I'm back!

Oh you AGAIN,

I've suddenly have a little more time on my hands. And with all the mindless and exciting blog reading I do, I've decide to give this another shot (too bad I'm not doing shots while typing this). My last post was January 2010, my gosh my goals have changed since then. Let's see....

1. Paying off debt--HA! I may have found a love for adventures and shoes that disrupted that goal. But I have a deadline still.

2. Bike ride 60 miles-- 2010 was 62 miles to Indiana Dunes. 2011 however was 125 miles to Indiana Dunes and back to Chicago. DONE and DONE!

3. Own a dog-- I may or may not own 2 dogs now. Okay you got me...I have 2 freakin' awesome dogs.

4. Stay vegetarian--HA! This former vegetarian you're talking to now. I live a 99.5% Paleo lifestyle now and will not be looking back.

There are many more post to give you all the details to what happen and where I am now in life.
I also have some new goals which are way more cool and bad-ass. So stay tuned and get ready for more boring adventures.
