
Friday, September 23, 2011

Fall You Have Arrived..

Happy first day of Fall everyone.
I started this brisk morning by heading to BDCF at 5:30AM to get my wod on. Today's workout was:

Strength - FS
3 x 70%
3 x 80%
3+ x 90%

Two rounds for time:
50 x DL 1/3 bw
50 x flutter kicks
50 x superman’s
50 x lateral jumps

My front squat were 70#, 80#, and 90# and 3 box jumps after each set. I felt good and then I hit the wod. My time was 9m 40s, after a little friendly competition to get us going. ;)
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After the gym I started the day with Paleo version of Pumpkin Spiced Latte. It was certainly pretty, but I need to work on the ingredients a bit. In case you were wondering I got the recipe from Stupid Easy Paleo's site. I followed it to a T. I even made a little jar of pumpkin spice to keep handy. Along with my latte I made these egg and ham cups. Here's the original RECIPE. All the prep work went in last night, so this morning was heat up and eat and eat and eat and also eat.
From 2011-09-23

From 2011-09-23

From 2011-09-23

From 2011-09-23

From 2011-09-23

From 2011-09-23

From 2011-09-23

From 2011-09-23

Another workout note, I started a little personal goal with myself. I work on the 19th floor of a building in Chicago. And I decided to start taking the stairs to go up and down. My goal is to climb the 19 floors in three minutes or less. So far this week it's been close to five minutes (One day I was carrying a latte, so COM'ON I get a break on that), but I did hit a low # this week 4m 31s. Stay tuned I'll get there! :)
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