New things were happening this weekend. I started my weekend off with getting an amazing haircut at my favorite
salon in OP. I love going here. I've never left without looking amazing! I wish I properly maintained my hair/could afford to go more often. There was mention that I haven't been there in a year....and I'm almost positive that was my last haircut. Pffft...I can pull off split ends like nobody else! I'm probably overly proud of that huh?
And I went for something new for Fall. I got banged!! I felt totally nervous about making this big jump for two reasons. 1) Maintenance, I'm NOT a high maintenance hair kind of gal, if it takes more than 10 minutes or involves more that 2 tools to do, than it's not gonna happen. Plus, I "snooze" my alarm to the point where I've mastered the oily hair look(thank you poof), and 2) I haven't had bangs since the 8th grade, when I asked my FATHER to cut my bangs on a regular basis. Probably the only time in my life, where I wished my dad was a butcher for a profession. I had flash backs of a bowl being put on my head, when my stylist asked if I was "ready"! But as you can see it turned out amazing. I love them and they are totally worth getting up an extra 3ish minutes earlier.

Another new thing was my baby niece and my sister-in-law got baptized on Saturday. The ceremony was great and so was the little party after. My brother grilled some delicious food. Which I didn't take any pics of because my hands were busy shoving my face.
I DID get to utilize my fancy camera for this special day and took some great pictures. I have to say my niece is one of the cutest babies I've seen and so precious. I loved her bow, I wonder if I can pull that off with my bangs...
Sunday my kite and I visited
Long Grove to check out their annual Apple Festival, which we did not know was happening till we actually got there, so that was a great surprise. We walked around a bit and decided to wait in line for apple cider and apple cider donuts, because why not wait in the longest line ever. When I say long I mean LONGGGGGGGGG. We waited in line for what seemed like a day, but was closer to an hour. I think that was an hour too long. When we finally got out of there with our goods, some random lady asked us if it was worth the wait. I immediately said "NO", but you can tell she was hoping for a Yes. Sorry random lady for blowing your hopes and dreams. But the cider was yummy and adorable.
Before we left, we stopped at a stand that was selling giant dog bones. And we bought two for our cave puppies. This is probably the equivalent to an all week sucker for a child.
There was some cooking that was had at my home. And maybe some non-paleo eats, but we will NOT discuss those here. I will share what we did have. I did roast the chicken that I prepped the
night before, it came out delicious. We also grilled a steak and had leftover chicken, which I just roasted some asparagus to go along with and don't forget breakfast, my staple. Eggs with bacon and apple. Good eats!! WARNING, you will see lots of NOT freak out. It's normal and wonderful.
So far this week, I seasoned some beef shanks and oxtail to put in the crockpot for lunch and yesterday was TACO MONDAY!! I still do a little jig to get the kite excited. I did end up putting sour cream on the tacos below, because O-M-G I love sour cream. I was too excited to take another there you go.
And to leave you with a really neat picture by yours truly. I call it 'Sunset Tracks'. If you're my FB friend than you already seen it. So what, SEE IT again. Hello it's pretty neat!
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