Oh you AGAIN,
I've suddenly have a little more time on my hands. And with all the mindless and exciting blog reading I do, I've decide to give this another shot (too bad I'm not doing shots while typing this). My last post was January 2010, my gosh my goals have changed since then. Let's see....
1. Paying off debt--HA! I may have found a love for adventures and shoes that disrupted that goal. But I have a deadline still.
2. Bike ride 60 miles-- 2010 was 62 miles to Indiana Dunes. 2011 however was 125 miles to Indiana Dunes and back to Chicago. DONE and DONE!
3. Own a dog-- I may or may not own 2 dogs now. Okay you got me...I have 2 freakin' awesome dogs.
4. Stay vegetarian--HA! This former vegetarian you're talking to now. I live a 99.5% Paleo lifestyle now and will not be looking back.
There are many more post to give you all the details to what happen and where I am now in life.
I also have some new goals which are way more cool and bad-ass. So stay tuned and get ready for more boring adventures.
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