I had that meh feeling for turning 31 this year. Normally birthdays are a great excuse to booze it up. But for obvious sober reasons I couldn't even do that.
I woke up that Sunday morning, after sleeping in..... to balloons, flowers and the sweetest card from my kite. My kite had a day planned for us. First stop, Starbucks. I saved my birthday reward to use ON my birthday. My FREE iced coffee tasted all the better on my b-day. We walked across the street to get some brunch and I got dreamy eggs Benedict. It felt like such a treat. I mmmm'd like a porn star.
After brunch we walked back home, quickly changed (into bathing suits) and next on the agenda was taking me to my favorite spot--Kenosha Beach. I enjoyed every second of that sun filled beach. We stayed a few hours before we hiked it back home.
Where we quickly changed again (into something cute), because we had fancy schmancy reservations at Capital Grille. Where my cravings for a juicy steak was fulfilled 10 times over. My kite wanted us to have one last nice dinner before it's breast milk and chicken nuggets city at our house.
We ended the night with cake. As we should every night in my book. I made my birthday wish (finger's crossed) and we both ate cake in bed with the pups.
All in all it was a great day! Now if anyone's asking...I'm 29. Forever.